Lesson 8
The Discipline of Keeping the Daily Hours: Establishing a Rhythm with God
Self-examination and confession are essential spiritual practices that help us grow in sanctification—becoming more like Jesus. As John Calvin noted, knowing ourselves leads us to seek God more deeply. This discipline involves regularly reflecting on our actions, thoughts, and intentions to identify barriers, like sin, that hinder our relationship with God. The process includes two key forms: the examen of conscience, where we review our shortcomings and sins, and the examen of consciousness, where we reflect on where we noticed or missed God’s presence throughout the day. Tools such as Scripture, the Ten Commandments, the Beatitudes, the fruit of the Spirit, or even frameworks like the Enneagram can aid in this practice. Ignatius of Loyola emphasized the importance of daily self-examination, believing it to be so essential that it should never be neglected. Through this rhythm of honest reflection and confession, we open the way for deeper intimacy with God and nurture our soul by becoming more aligned with His will.