Lesson 11

The Discipline of a Rule of Life: Creating a Framework for Spiritual Growth

A rule of life is an intentional plan to nurture our relationship with God by integrating spiritual disciplines into our daily rhythm. As William Cell reminds us, spiritual growth doesn’t happen casually—it requires intentional commitment. Like a trellis that supports a vine, a rule of life provides structure for our spiritual development, helping us bear good fruit and avoid stagnation. This framework allows us to reflect on which disciplines have been helpful, and to choose those we want to continue practicing in ways that suit our unique lives.

A rule of life should be practical, personal, and adaptable. It encourages regular activities like daily prayer, self-examination, Sabbath rest, participation in community, and periodic retreats. The goal is to design a pattern that is both manageable and challenging, helping us grow spiritually over time. Flexibility is key—life circumstances change, and so must our practices.

Ultimately, a rule of life keeps the “main thing”—our relationship with God—at the center. It allows us to deepen our faith, remain intentional about spiritual growth, and share what we’ve learned with others. The invitation is to continue practicing these disciplines, nurturing your soul, and passing along the wisdom gained to others for their journey with Christ. Keep the main thing, the main thing: take care of your soul.