Lesson 2
The Discipline of Community: Doing Life Together with Christ
The discipline of community emphasizes the importance of living in relationship with Jesus and others. Drawing from the story in Luke 24, where two disciples walking to Emmaus encounter Jesus and find hope, community is described as doing life together with Christ at the center. However, community is often overpromised yet underdelivered, with many people remaining on the fringes, missing the accountability, grace, and encouragement it offers. True community exists on three levels: large gatherings, like worship services; small, intimate groups, similar to Jesus’ inner circle with Peter, James, and John; and personal time with God. Community nurtures spiritual growth by providing support, accountability, and encouragement, helping us get back up when we fall. It expands our perspectives through diverse relationships and reminds us that even when alone, we are always in fellowship with God. Investing in community strengthens both our relationships with others and our connection with Christ, nurturing our soul along the way.