Lesson 5
The Discipline of Contemplative Prayer: Resting in God’s Presence
Contemplative prayer invites us to sit with God simply for the joy of being in His presence, without requests or agendas. While many believers spend minimal time in prayer, often focused on personal petitions, contemplative prayer shifts the focus from asking to being. Like a child resting on a parent’s lap, this type of prayer nurtures our soul by fostering intimacy with God. It’s an opportunity to “waste time” with God, not seeking productivity but enjoying His embrace, calming our hearts, and deepening our relationship with Him. We were created to spend time with God, and through contemplative prayer, we glorify and enjoy Him, fulfilling the purpose for which we were made. This practice reminds us that God delights in us—not just when we ask for His help, but when we come to Him simply to be together.