Lesson 10

The Discipline of Discernment: Seeking and Following God’s Will

The discipline of discernment is the intentional process of seeking God’s will and learning to align our actions with His direction. As James reminds us, we can ask God for wisdom, trusting that He will provide it. Discernment involves prayer, listening, and surrendering our desires to make room for God’s guidance. It is not a solo endeavor but a corporate discipline, recognizing that our decisions impact the community of faith around us. The practice requires patience, as God’s timing is often slower than our own.

Three essential prayers shape the process: the prayer of indifference, asking God to remove personal agendas; the prayer of trust, affirming that His way is best; and the prayer for wisdom, inviting divine insight. Discernment also comes through Scripture, the Holy Spirit, inner promptings, and advice from others. Like assembling a puzzle, clarity emerges as we listen and act step-by-step in faith. Even when we don’t get it right, the real purpose of discernment is deepening our relationship with God through intentional time in His presence. It is a lifelong journey of learning to hear His voice and faithfully follow where He leads.